Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spread your love!

First of all, in order to to be part of our world, you should learn as much as you can about our species, our homes and our nature. you can do this by visiting nearby wildlife refuges or nature centres. Once you are there, you can volunteer by providing us with food, medication, shelter and the most important of all with your love.

You are human beings, so there is always a way for you to think of something that will benefit you apart from using us such as if you were having a vivid imagination of wearing us; fur on top of your shoulders, you can do so by wearing synthetic fur which you yourself have cleverly invented.

In terms of decorating your houses, you would not want our head on your wall while our teary eyes stiffly staring at you? Dont you feel it is so barbaricly inhuman?

Other than that, there are many food that are more delicious than us.. for example like McDonalds, KFC, Carl's Junior and so on.. Dont prey upon Mr. Whale or Mr. Sea Lion to be part of your dinner menu and even Mrs. Turtle's unhatched babies as your appetizer.

Just imagine if you were in our shoes, how would you feel to be hunted down, to constantly be in fear, to see your loved ones die right in front of your eyes and being homeless? Can you feel the pain we have been going through as endangered species? When you stop killing us, then that will be the time when we will obtain eternal freedom.

We are not asking much from you..all that we want is a piece of your love. A bit of it will be enough for us.

For more information, please visit: