Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What have you done?

Some of our friends are sadly endangered. Their lives are in threat because their homes have been destroyed, polluted and to my surprise, they are also been hunt down by you. They are my best buddies the Snow Leopards and also the Marine Turtles...

My oh my... We really do not want to lose them just because of you disgraceful human beings who do not know how to appreciate us animals.... We are all God's creation. Therefore, we all have the right to breathe and breed freely just like you...

Thus, stop hunting Mr. Snow Leopard for his fur and his bones... Don't you have pity on him who now lives in terror?
Not forgetting Mrs. Marine Turtle and her babies... We are down on our knees for you not to eat her precious babies and ruining her white sandy beautiful home. Don't you have a heart to feel love for them?

We were told by some of our friends that their homes were destroyed over destruction. They were very devastated and crushed by what you humans are doing...Don't you ever think of them when you spill unnecessary wastes into their homes and affecting their children's playground? Many of them got ill and most of them died in tragic..We never had the chance to live our lives like you do.. You built your homes vastly by cutting down our magnificent greenery mansions and conquering our villages for the sake of your own that fair?

There are times when you would just budge into our houses and skin us alive without mercy..Don't you ever think how it would feel to witness the death of your loved ones right in front of your eyes?It hurts the most when we struggle to survive but you don't even wait for a second to realize the importance of our existence and as always, the worst thing ever is you have made our homes that used to be our shelter as our burial site.Isn't that pathetic?