Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our big friend, the macho Mr. Polar

This is a story about one of our far away friend who lives in a far away kingdom..we hardly meet up but we keep in touch..he is quite famous in the Arctic regions..I am sure you human beings have heard of love his fur, don't you? That is why you are so eager to go and hunt him down for his priceless hide, tendons, meat, fat and flesh. It is such a shame to be living in this world with you disgraceful human beings.

Lately, we have been hearing bad news from the Arctic..Mr. Polar claims that most of his friends and family members are in danger due to your reckless behavior..Did you know that open burning can cause global warming and automatically affects Mr. Polar's habitat? Even though most of you do not live in the Arctic, you should know that your on going deforestation contributes to global warming and inevitably melts the ice at the Arctic and this will cause Mr. Polar and his friends to suffer from heat and also it is hard for them to survive without the cold climate.

Did you know that as the concentration of greenhouse gases grows, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere and less escapes back into space. This increase in trapped heat changes the climate and alters weather patterns, which may hasten Mr. Polar's extinction.

We do not want to lose Mr. Polar just the way we have lost Miss Baiji. We can't effort to go through the same process of healing. We have been through a lot of hard aches, so please don't add up to our misery..Losing another friend is unbearable.

If you want to know more about Mr.Polar, please seek him at:

Baiji, we miss you!

Recently, we lost a very adorable friend,Miss Baiji..We are saddened by the fact that she was killed due to industrial and residential waste flowed into the Yangtze river which is her beloved hometown. The riverbed was dredged and reinforced with concrete in many locations. Ship traffic multiplied, boats grew in size, and you fishermen employed wider and more lethal nets. Other than that, noise pollution also caused the nearly blind Miss Baiji to collide with propellers. In the 1970s and 1980s, an estimated half of Miss Baiji's families death were attributed to entanglement in fishing gear. Doesn't it saddened you too?

It is such a waste to lose such a wonderful is hard to imagine life without Miss Baiji..if only you humans were careful enough to think about her existence before you even proceed to carry out your daily routines. Didn't you know the place where you seek for your food is also the place where Miss Baiji and her family lives? Because of your carelessness, we all have to live with this horrible fact.

Next time, please be more alert of your surroundings, perhaps there are other earthlings instead of you selfish human beings in this don't act as if you own the world and you have the right to do whatever you want just because you are bigger than us and also because you think you deserve to live instead of us...

It would be a miracle if one day Miss Baiji could again be here with us. Until that day comes, we would want to say; Miss Baiji... may you rest in peace.

If you miss her too, you can check out this site for more information about her:

We salute them!

Through all this clutter, some of our friends did manage to survive your wrongdoings..They went through hard times and no matter what happened, their determination and courage are the reasons for their survival. You skinned them ferociously, you smashed their heads with your filthy hands, and you even cut them into pieces when they are still breathing. They can still remember your evil grin when you heartlessly tore them apart...but did you know that despite all of your hard work in order to destroy them..they still rise as they were immortal and that you can never erase them from being part of this wonderful world..

Now, we are going to tell you a story about one of our closest friend...if you could still remember, Mr. Lynx..rings a bell? If you're wondering, Mr.Lynx is back and he is definitely in for the long run after several devastating years being tortured and kicked out from our homes. To have Mr.Lynx back is such a victory to us, his friends.

Mr. Lynx brought home many interesting stories about his tragic nightmare..he told us that he never felt so low in his life ever witness what you did to his family, you killed every one of his kind just to have their fur as your coat, shoes, bags, and even as your rug! Look at how inhumanly you behave..your selfishness cost their lives!

It was so tragic that the plagues which were Myxomatosis and also Viral Hemorrhagic pneumonia had made Mr. Lynx's source of food decreased. Many of his family members died of hunger. That was how Mr. Lynx's family had decreased to a small number. And you human.. what did you do? Instead of providing or reviving Mr. Lynx's sources of food, you did other collateral damage which at the same time threatened the life of Mr. Lynx and his family.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spread your love!

First of all, in order to to be part of our world, you should learn as much as you can about our species, our homes and our nature. you can do this by visiting nearby wildlife refuges or nature centres. Once you are there, you can volunteer by providing us with food, medication, shelter and the most important of all with your love.

You are human beings, so there is always a way for you to think of something that will benefit you apart from using us such as if you were having a vivid imagination of wearing us; fur on top of your shoulders, you can do so by wearing synthetic fur which you yourself have cleverly invented.

In terms of decorating your houses, you would not want our head on your wall while our teary eyes stiffly staring at you? Dont you feel it is so barbaricly inhuman?

Other than that, there are many food that are more delicious than us.. for example like McDonalds, KFC, Carl's Junior and so on.. Dont prey upon Mr. Whale or Mr. Sea Lion to be part of your dinner menu and even Mrs. Turtle's unhatched babies as your appetizer.

Just imagine if you were in our shoes, how would you feel to be hunted down, to constantly be in fear, to see your loved ones die right in front of your eyes and being homeless? Can you feel the pain we have been going through as endangered species? When you stop killing us, then that will be the time when we will obtain eternal freedom.

We are not asking much from you..all that we want is a piece of your love. A bit of it will be enough for us.

For more information, please visit:

What have you done?

Some of our friends are sadly endangered. Their lives are in threat because their homes have been destroyed, polluted and to my surprise, they are also been hunt down by you. They are my best buddies the Snow Leopards and also the Marine Turtles...

My oh my... We really do not want to lose them just because of you disgraceful human beings who do not know how to appreciate us animals.... We are all God's creation. Therefore, we all have the right to breathe and breed freely just like you...

Thus, stop hunting Mr. Snow Leopard for his fur and his bones... Don't you have pity on him who now lives in terror?
Not forgetting Mrs. Marine Turtle and her babies... We are down on our knees for you not to eat her precious babies and ruining her white sandy beautiful home. Don't you have a heart to feel love for them?

We were told by some of our friends that their homes were destroyed over destruction. They were very devastated and crushed by what you humans are doing...Don't you ever think of them when you spill unnecessary wastes into their homes and affecting their children's playground? Many of them got ill and most of them died in tragic..We never had the chance to live our lives like you do.. You built your homes vastly by cutting down our magnificent greenery mansions and conquering our villages for the sake of your own that fair?

There are times when you would just budge into our houses and skin us alive without mercy..Don't you ever think how it would feel to witness the death of your loved ones right in front of your eyes?It hurts the most when we struggle to survive but you don't even wait for a second to realize the importance of our existence and as always, the worst thing ever is you have made our homes that used to be our shelter as our burial site.Isn't that pathetic?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who are we?

Have you ever heard of endangered species? What is endangered species in danger of?

They are in danger of becoming extinct.

Then what is extinct?

Well, when all the members of an animal species die, that animal is said to be extinct. When the number of animals is low enough so that the species is in danger of becoming extinct, the species is said to be endangered.

And those species which are said to be endangered are us!

What does the word 'endangered' mean to you?

Endangered means “to have been put in danger”. More simply, it means “in danger;” this may be easier for you to understand.